Thursday, July 17, 2008

Find Sick or Orphaned Wildlife; What Should You Do?

If you find juvenile wildlife that appears to be orphaned, sick or injured, avoid contact to prevent bites and scratches. Some species can carry diseases and parasites that are harmful to humans.
Injured wildlife also requires specialized and immediate care to recover and return to the wild.

Signs of orphaning, injury or illness may include:

...Blood, wounds or swelling on the body
...Body covered in fleas
...Unusual or uneven loss of fur or feathers
...Vocalizing and/or following humans around
...A fawn that is wandering around
...Contact with a domestic cat
...Difficult or raspy breathing or sneezing
...A dangling leg or wing
...Closed eyes
...Head tucked under wing

Orphaned Wildlife
It is normal for some species to leave their offspring temporarily alone, especially during the day.
For example, deer and cottontail rabbits spend much of the day away from their well-camouflaged offspring to minimize the chance of predators finding them.

To determine if young wildlife is truly orphaned:
▪ Check the animal periodically for 24 to 48 hours to see if it is still around, but keep your distance.
▪ Keep cats and dogs away from the area where the young animal is; the adult will not return if it is noisy or if predators or people are close by.

Care Necessary To Help The Animal
▪ If you find an injured, sick or orphaned wild animal, contact a wildlife custodian who can provide the specialized and immediate care necessary to help the animal.
▪ If you must handle it, seek the advice of a wildlife custodian to minimize risk of injury to yourself and to the animal.
▪ Wear protective clothing and equipment, such as leather gloves, to avoid bites or scratches, and wash hands well after handling the animal.
▪ Under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, a person may only keep wildlife for 24 hours to transport it to a veterinarian for treatment or to a wildlife custodian for rehabilitation or care or to relocate it following capture as a problem animal.

Contact information:
▪ Ontario Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Network (OWREN):
- call 905-735-9556, or
- contact
- visit

▪ Local Humane Society or local branch of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA):
- call 1-888-668-7722 or the Ontario SPCA Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre at 705-534-4350
- visit

Diseased or Dead Wildlife
▪ If you suspect there is a public health risk from a sick wild animal, such as rabies, or you or your pet had contact with a suspected rabid animal, contact your local Public Health Unit immediately.
▪ Rabies is fatal for humans and animals if not treated.
▪ Symptoms of rabies and several other diseases in animals can include tremors, aggressive behaviour, partial paralysis, convulsions, and loss of fear of humans.
▪ To report a dead crow, raven or blue jay, contact your local Public Health Unit.
▪ To report other dead animals or birds contact the Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre (

Wild animals that have been live-trapped or acquired by other means must be released no further than one kilometre from the point of capture for adults and no further than 15 kilometres for juveniles (although not on private property without landowner’s permission) and within 24 hours.

Contact Information:
· Public Health Units:
o call 1-866-532-3161 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday
o visit for a list of offices.

· Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre:
o call 1-866-673-4781
o visit

This information was provided by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and proudly sponsored by where you will find the most unique Canadian Wildlife Art.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ontario's Family Fishing Weekend

Children are the focus of Ontario Family Fishing Weekend
Province-wide licence-free family fishing – July 4 through 6, 2008

From Adolphustown to Wheatley, and in dozens of Ontario communities in between, plans are well underway for Ontario Family Fishing Weekend, running July 4 through 6, 2008.

For the fifteenth consecutive year, the Ontario Family Fishing Weekend Committee, led by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (O.F.A.H.), will offer a full weekend of free fishing at family-friendly events hosted across Ontario. Canadian citizens do not require a licence to fish in Ontario waters during this weekend, however all other fishing regulations apply. The province-wide event runs during National Fishing Week (July 5 through 13).

"Fishing connects kids with the outdoors,” said O.F.A.H. Executive Director, Mike Reader, “and through the generosity of the many conservation-minded clubs that host Ontario Family Fishing Weekend events, thousands of families will share a great day together in the fresh air.”

Over 60 events are already planned, with details posted on the event website. More host groups are invited to get onboard, and the O.F.A.H. is offering tools to help them get started. To receive a free Ontario Family Fishing Weekend information package, call Mark Cousins at 705-748-6324 ext. 233. The package includes volunteer and participation certificates, flyers and posters, Take-A-Kid Fishing and Catch Fishing booklets, and tips for event planning. To add a new event to the growing list, or to find an event near you, visit

Ontario Family Fishing Weekend is delivered in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Canadian Sportfishing Industry Association, the Canadian Sportfishing Industry Foundation, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Northern Ontario Tourist Outfitters.

Visit where you can buy the most unique original wildlife art available anywhere. Each piece is hand crafted and painted by Ontario wildlife artist Angus Burns.