I attended a gathering of outdoor writers on the weekend and was privileged to have a chance to listen to a lecture given by Shane Mahoney; wildlife biologist; and crusader for sustainable wildlife management and conservation throughout North America http://www.conservationforce.org/directorsmahoney.html .
Early in his talk Shane mentioned the North American Wildlife Conservation Model and asked who was familiar with the model or the associated story. Now I tend to consider myself well studied in the field of sustainable wildlife and habitat management, but few, including me, had much knowledge of the topic at hand.
There in lays the problem. You see, every one of us benefits directly and indirectly from this model; in fact without it most indigenous wildlife species that we enjoy in Canada and the United States would have been obliterated before the start of the 20th century. That includes elk, pronghorn antelope, bison, deer, and many waterfowl species.
Of even greater concern is that it is very likely that our elected representatives in Canada – federal or provincial – also have no knowledge of the model, its ramifications, or the debt owed to all wildlife conservation organizations; particularly hunters and anglers. They must be educated! I only mention Canadian politicians because this is one place that the Americans are way ahead of us. In fact last August an Executive Order directly from President Bush for the facilitation of hunting heritage and wildlife conservation measures was given to federal agencies to review and enhance hunting opportunities and the management of game species and their habitat: http://6fbd21e64bc817fd097aa54148bd3dab37bc10ee.gripelements.com/documents/whitehouseonhunting.pdf .
In short the model came about as a result of our forefathers concern over the rapid depletion of game throughout the North American continent. Like minded outdoorsmen – primarily hunters and anglers – became concerned over the wanton killing of animals (such as the decimation of buffalo herds on the prairies) and uncontrolled market hunting. At the forefront of this group was none other than Prime Minister Sir Wilfred Laurier and President Theodore Roosevelt, who’s love of wild places ensured that wildlife conservation attained the prominence and importance that it deserved.
Prior to the development of the North American Wildlife Conservation Model there were virtually no laws governing the taking of game. There were no seasons, there were no penalties, there were no conservation officers, and there was an insatiable market for furs, feathers, and wild meat…certainly a bad combination for wild birds and animals.
Even though the model was and is driven by hunting and angling enthusiasts and organizations, every one of us reaps the benefits.
Stay tuned as over the next while I expand upon the model and the importance of drastically elevating the importance of wildlife conservation and sustainable management.
Early in his talk Shane mentioned the North American Wildlife Conservation Model and asked who was familiar with the model or the associated story. Now I tend to consider myself well studied in the field of sustainable wildlife and habitat management, but few, including me, had much knowledge of the topic at hand.
There in lays the problem. You see, every one of us benefits directly and indirectly from this model; in fact without it most indigenous wildlife species that we enjoy in Canada and the United States would have been obliterated before the start of the 20th century. That includes elk, pronghorn antelope, bison, deer, and many waterfowl species.
Of even greater concern is that it is very likely that our elected representatives in Canada – federal or provincial – also have no knowledge of the model, its ramifications, or the debt owed to all wildlife conservation organizations; particularly hunters and anglers. They must be educated! I only mention Canadian politicians because this is one place that the Americans are way ahead of us. In fact last August an Executive Order directly from President Bush for the facilitation of hunting heritage and wildlife conservation measures was given to federal agencies to review and enhance hunting opportunities and the management of game species and their habitat: http://6fbd21e64bc817fd097aa54148bd3dab37bc10ee.gripelements.com/documents/whitehouseonhunting.pdf .
In short the model came about as a result of our forefathers concern over the rapid depletion of game throughout the North American continent. Like minded outdoorsmen – primarily hunters and anglers – became concerned over the wanton killing of animals (such as the decimation of buffalo herds on the prairies) and uncontrolled market hunting. At the forefront of this group was none other than Prime Minister Sir Wilfred Laurier and President Theodore Roosevelt, who’s love of wild places ensured that wildlife conservation attained the prominence and importance that it deserved.
Prior to the development of the North American Wildlife Conservation Model there were virtually no laws governing the taking of game. There were no seasons, there were no penalties, there were no conservation officers, and there was an insatiable market for furs, feathers, and wild meat…certainly a bad combination for wild birds and animals.
Even though the model was and is driven by hunting and angling enthusiasts and organizations, every one of us reaps the benefits.
Stay tuned as over the next while I expand upon the model and the importance of drastically elevating the importance of wildlife conservation and sustainable management.
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