Spread the joy of birds with gifts that support conservation Published with With thanks to Cornell Lab of Ornithology
3. Songbirds Weekly Planner This 2011 planner indulges bird watchers all year long with bird illustrations and fascinating information. 4. Singing Bird Books Bird information plus sounds at the touch of a button. Backyard Bird Songs, BirdScapes, Bird Songs Bible, and more. 5. Audio Guides Birding by ear is a revelation. Choose a guide to favorite regions or species. 6. BirdsEye App See more birds with the world's only app that helps you find the places where your target species are. $1.99 for BirdsEye Lite, $19.99 for it all. 7. Bird-Friendly Coffee Enjoy delicious coffee knowing it was grown in a way that helps migratory songbirds on their wintering grounds. 8. Really Wild Cards Delight someone with these beautiful cards that play authentic bird sounds when you open them up. $7.99 12. Online Bird Behavior Course This very special gift enables your loved one to gain new insights and enjoyment through the Cornell Lab's five-week online interactive course, "Courtship and Rivalry in Birds." Next session begins January 19, 2011. $295 ($255 for Lab members. For member discount, enroll by phone at 866-326-7635). Contact: Pat Leonard, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, (607) 254-2137, pel27@cornell.edu |
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a membership institution dedicated to interpreting and conserving the earth's biological diversity through research, education, and citizen science focused on birds. Visit the Cornell Lab's web site at http://www.birds.cornell.edu. |
Southern Ontario Whitetailed Deer Primer
11 years ago
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